Call for Papers: Sustainable Tourism Review


We are proud to introduce the Sustainable Tourism Review, an international, peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the advancement and dissemination of research focused on sustainable practices within the tourism industry. This publication aims to foster a deeper understanding of how sustainable tourism can be an effective tool for environmental conservation, social justice, and economic development across the globe.

Publication Details:

  • Frequency: Published three times a year using a publish-as-you-go system, ensuring the timely dissemination of cutting-edge research.
  • Language: All articles are published in English, catering to a broad international readership.
  • Copyright: Authors retain copyright for all published material. Authors grant the journal a license to publish the article and identify Sustainable Tourism Review as the original publisher.
  • Licensing: Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), allowing for sharing and adaptation of the work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.

Publisher: Sustainable Tourism Review is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, in collaboration with:

  • Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Uzbekistan
  • International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, Tajikistan
  • Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

These partnerships underscore our commitment to the global development and enhancement of sustainable tourism practices, leveraging knowledge and expertise across regions.

Scope: The journal welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics pertinent to sustainable tourism, including but not limited to:

  • Environmental Management in Tourism
  • Community Engagement and Empowerment
  • Sustainable Business Practices
  • Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
  • Technological Innovations in Tourism

We invite submissions of original research, case studies, reviews, and theoretical papers that push forward the boundaries of knowledge in the field.

Audience: Our primary audience includes academics, industry professionals, policymakers, and NGOs engaged in or interested in sustainable tourism. We strive to serve as a primary source of knowledge and inspiration for those looking to implement and advance sustainable practices within the tourism sector.

Focus Areas:

  • Conservation efforts within tourism
  • Social and cultural impacts on local communities
  • Economic benefits of sustainable practices
  • Policy and governance in sustainable tourism
  • Innovations in eco-tourism and green technologies

Submission Guidelines: Contributors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that align with the journal's focus on sustainability in tourism. For detailed submission guidelines and instructions, please visit our website: Sustainable Tourism Review.

Join us in our mission to promote sustainable tourism practices that benefit environments, societies, and economies worldwide. Submit your research today and contribute to a sustainable future!